Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Snorkeling 101

I went snorkeling for the first time yesterday, thus adding to the list of “firsts” from this trip.

I first went out yesterday morning, but I didn’t see anything.  The truth is, however, that I was more than a bit nervous as the waves were high and the water unsettled. I kept thinking a big wave was going to come along and swamp me. When your sole source of air is coming from a small tube that sticks up only inches above the surface of the water, one tends to be a little concerned about sudden and significant changes in the water level. Or at least I certainly was.  I headed back to shore, thinking that perhaps snorkeling could be added to the list of things I wasn’t intended to do in this life.

I went out again in the afternoon, determined to conquer my fears. The water seemed a little calmer.  “I can do this thing,” I thought.  But when I got out in the water, I faced a new problem.  Why was water coming up my nose? This was a new sensation that I hadn't experienced that morning.  Then it dawned on me:  the little piece of the snorkeling mask is designed to fit over your nose so that you don't experience the problem I just had.  Duh.

Once that problem was solved, I tried again. I still wasn't seeing anything though, and was about to hang it up when I looked again and saw some fish!  Awesome! 

Then it happened:  I saw my first turtle, swimming in relatively shallow water, close to the sea bed.  I followed it along for awhile, then headed back in, feeling somewhat triumphant.  I can hardly wait to go again today.

New paddle ball volley record:  310

Patch of wild aloe vera on the hillock between Big and Little Beaches

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